as i mentioned before, little C and i regularly attend a story time group at the little neighborhood library branch. he really enjoys seeing his little friends, and his other favorite nanny as well :)
as summer was winding down and the weather was cooling off, i was trying to figure some other options of activities that we could do that fit our public transportation routes and/or neighborhood walk about area. i was browsing the library website and saw that the downtown central library building had a story time earlier in the week; the one we go to is on thursday. so i thought that'd be fun. we could ride the train downtown, enjoy some stories, get some coffee, and head back home for nap time.
M and i were talking about cold weather activities and i suggested downtown story time. she stopped dead in her tracks and said to me, "oh.. i don't think i want him going to that library. it's really gross how many homeless/drug addict people hang around in and outside there." somehow i knew she was going to say something to this extent.
ok, while it is true that often times outside the downtown library there are a handful of homeless people hanging out. with one another, smoking cigarettes, just doing their thing. it's not a place where i've ever been hassled for money. they usually keep to themselves. yes, i have seen some of them sleeping upstairs in a corner before but there is constantly security in there to keep them out and make it a safe place. plus, the last place you'll find them is in the children's library, in the story room. somehow i'm just not convinced that the librarian is going to let them stick around for story time..
i have taken other kids to this exact same library. it's got the best selection of books, being the main library and not just some lowly branch. and.. prepare for this.. WE ALL CAME OUT ALIVE AND UNHARMED!
it makes me think that M doesn't trust my judgement and that i might take little C to some place deemed unsafe. not only do i care about his life and well being, i happen to value my own. it's an amazing thing..
M continues to say no, that she'd prefer us to not go downtown. something about the air quality not being as good since the traffic is heavier down there.. really, i just can't win. ;)
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